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This year Marj Desius is bringing back another magical night of music and dancing to benefit The Jasper House Haiti.(Get your tickets before they sell out!)Please be our guest for an incredible evening of live Jazz, soul music, incredible city views, and dancing. We are pleased to announce the all-star lineup of award-winning artists and musicians.• David Osmond ,...
#KatKanavosShow Meets Publisher Mark Rowe- Publisher/Editor-In-Chief/CEO at Soul Central Media Distribution as he shares publishing stories and Awards with us @NOON PT LIVE here- https://www.facebook.com/KatOkeefeKanavos/ FULL INTERVIEW OUT SOON: More info Click Here: >> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10217778131028753&set=p.10217778131028753&type=3&theater
https://www.facebook.com/SoulcentralMagazine/videos/412677659481967/ Jackie Chan is legendary Martial Artist and Action Movie Star. Today we will be covering this great man and hearing some of his thoughts and past achievement before the grand revealing of the museum, THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT HELPED SOUL CENTRAL MAGAZINE COVER THIS LEGENDARY DAY. Please follow Jackie Chan on Social Media: Website: https://www.jackiechan.com/~ IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000329/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/EyeOfJackieChan Facebook:...
Buy the Pay Per View here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXzQl... (OPEN THIS LINK ON PC, LAPTOP OR ANDROID PHONE) To then watch the event live on August 25th on any device. OR http://www.ksivslogan.tv Footasylum http://www.footasylum.com Mansion Bet http://www.mansion.com Rumble League http://www.spaceapegames.com HAUK http://www.stylehaul.com Scuf Gaming http://www.scufgaming.com First fight starts at 5:30pm BST,12:30pm EST,9:30am PST Four brothers. Two champions. It's time... THE BIGGEST...