It’s Time to Be Brave by Author La Tasha K. Mason / Zana the Brave

Ghostwriter turned author packs powerful punch with soon to be released anti-bullying children’s picture storybook.

WARREN, Ohio, October 15, 2018. Breakthrough author, L. K. Mason, has the internet chattering about the anticipated release of her forthcoming children’s book, Zana the Brave. Since the moment she obtained a copyright on her manuscript, she’s been teasing her followers and those interested in eliminating childhood bullying about what they can expect with Zana the Brave and the launch of the website is no different. The buildup for the launch of boasts a sneak preview of the book, a social media contest giveaway awarding two grand prizes valuing $200 each and the story behind the story of the book’s protagonist, Zana (pronounced Zay-nuh).

Zana the Brave is the first in a series of children’s books capturing the story of a bright little girl taking children on a journey of her courageous methods for overcoming constant teasing, ridicule, bullying and fat shaming. This first book introduces children to the series’ main character and how she came to be known as Zana the Brave. It’s rhyming sequences makes Zana’s powerful accounts detailing her experience with the rising bullying and fat shaming epidemic easy and compelling to read.
Later books in the series will gradually familiarize children to Zana’s closest friends and members of The Brave Team. Facing their own struggles with being accepted for who they are, The Brave Team comes together with Zana to put an end to bullying at Voltron Elementary School.

Much like the main character of her book, L. K. Mason experienced being bullied as a child. In fact, the story borrows from her childhood. She felt it was important to write this book because she grew tired of seeing headlines of school shootings and teen suicides where in many of these cases, the root of the problem led back to bullying. Her love for writing and being gifted at it made writing this book a natural choice. She’d had the opportunity to dabble in this level of writing when she was tapped by singer and actor, Tyrese Gibson, to work alongside him and Chris Morrow on his New York Times best-selling book, Manology, co-authored with Rev Run. Working with such an accomplished writer as Mr. Morrow and being mentored by him sparked something in her that never turned off. There is no turning back now.

The advanced October 15th launch of the website and sneak preview of the book is primarily to quench the thirst of the already rapidly growing excited fan base of Zana the Brave. In spite of the fact that these parents, teachers, youth organization directors, children and more have only seen the book cover and read a brief synopsis of the book, they are anxious for the book’s release. One approving Facebook user posted, “Finally someone children can relate to. We can talk to them about bullying, but when it comes to things like this, having someone that’s child friendly makes it so much easier.” This is exactly the kind of sentiment shared in a focus group of girls ages 9 through 12. The girls were instantly invested in Zana and opened up about children at their schools being bullied. They spoke of other children their age being so sad from the bullying that they attempted suicide or were cutting themselves. This validated L. K. Mason’s declaration that children need to have this book now. They need to know that they are not alone, and it gets better.
Chris Morrow, who also co-author of a number of other New York Times best-selling books such as The Happy Vegan, Success Through Stillness, and Super Rich with Russell Simmons as well as Take Back Your Family with Rev. Run, says of Zana the Brave after reading the manuscript, “It’s real good…both universal and timeless.” When she read Chris Morrow’s email regarding her manuscript, L. K. Mason was overjoyed because his thoughts were the exact reaction she was hoping to get from her readers. “Having someone whose written work you deeply admire read your book and authentically enjoy it is an indescribably amazing feeling by itself. My mission in writing this series of books is to unite people in the way that creativity organically does. I wanted Zana to be relatable and for her story to resonate with not only children but people of all ages and ethnicities for years to come.”
To learn more about Zana the Brave go to and follow the official social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @zanathebrave. For media and press inquiries, please send an email to

La Tasha K. Mason
Zana the Brave


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