Letting Go of the HOW
Creates the Space for the WOW
By Candi Parker
Your imagination is your workshop where your dreams are fashioned. Picture yourself as already having achieved your goals. See yourself doing the things that you’ll be doing when you’ve reached your goals. When you visualize your goals, you get your subconscious mind working toward making your mental pictures come true. The size of your goal does not matter. Anything can be manifested. The ‘how’ is not your job! Holding the vision and your desires is.
“Imagination is everything.
It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
~ Albert Einstein
Energize your choices, your seed thoughts, with visualization. In nature, when you plant a seed, you grow a plant and then you harvest the results. When you don’t care for your plant your harvest may not be what you may have anticipated. When you don’t pay attention to seed thoughts, your outcome is vastly different than if you nurture your seed thoughts with actions while believing in the positive outcome that you desire.
When you expect a harvest, you nurture the seeds with water and nutrients, and when they became seedlings, you continue to nurture them with water, weeding and feeding. Only then will your expectations of a good harvest manifest with extraordinary results. The nature of all energy works the same way.
When you expect your desire to manifest you must nurture those thoughts. Put yourself around people who believe in you. See yourself receiving your desires. What will that look like?
You may have been trained to pay attention to details and the ‘how’ of doing things. This is new information and it may take some time to totally ‘get it’. You’ll get better at it with practice. Rather than worry about HOW something happens, focus on WHAT you want to see happen. This shifts your energy and your results.
So, wherever you are right now, take a moment and ‘see’ your dream in your mind’s eye. Get to ‘know’ it and believe!!!! When you believe it, you see it.
When we get attached to “how” we would like things to happen, we stop believing and dreaming. Forget the “how”; it happens by itself, you just have to know what you want and stay focused on it. Be a conscious chooser. Keep revising your list of what you desire to do, be, and have. And know it is happening NOW!
You deserve all good. Keep yourself motivated. This is a new habit to cultivate. You are the only one who can do this for yourself. And you are the only one who can sabotage you. Find creative ways to get around judgmental thinking, yours included. You CAN do this, too; you just have to DO it.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right.” ~ Henry Ford
Right now, there is a campaign going on in celebration of the “Superwomen” of the world. It began as a thought that became a vision, and backed with intention, it became a reality, a campaign to change the lives of women around the world who have been affected by domestic abuse and sex trafficking. This campaign is also focused on positivity and solidarity while changing the lives of the next generation by first teaching our children to be kind to each other.
Learn more about the #IAmaSuperwoman campaign at >>> SuperwomanDonations.org
Stay positive in a negative world.
Candi Parker is an author, book coach and designer, hybrid publisher, graphic artist, certified Law of Attraction coach, a leader in the global Women’s Prosperity Network, an Army Veteran and retired Acupuncture Physician.
She has helped over 250 people become published authors and has created an effective system for tapping into the multi-billion dollar industry of eBook sales with her courses, Write a Kindle Book in a Weekend and Create an Anthology Book.
Her Positive Tribe Magazine is reaching five countries and growing.
She has several books on Amazon along with many other products and considers herself an artistic entrepreneur. The common theme in all she does is her passion and expertise in providing ways for people to achieve health, wealth and happiness. She is building a global Foundation for Positive Living, supporting Veterans and widows to re-identify their lives and supporting animal rescue operations.
Visit Candi’s website www.PositiveTribe.com