SUBJECT: Global Health Challenge Press Release


TO: All News Media
SUBJECT: Global Health Challenge Press Release

Date: 9/7/2017

Dear News Media:

This is a global news alert! The public is hereby admonished to take this Global Health Challenge. This challenge requires immediate attention and may change the entire mindset of individuals concerning their regular health care and fitness in a positive way. It encourages everyone from ages 13 to Adult to take this challenge and to make it an annual priority no matter where they reside in the world.

The GLOBAL HEALTH CHALLENGE is initiated by Gwyndell B. DeClerck of Topeka, Kansas and is hereby made to the public to garner their participation and support. The annual challenge demands that at least 5000 men, women, and children meet together on the first Saturday of Easter weekend at the State Capitol Building before noon. Once the clock Strikes noon (12:00 PM), everyone must Walk “one square block” around the entire State Capitol Building as a dedication and Pledge to better health.

Participants should be properly dressed. They should wear comfortable tennis shoes, sweat pants, sweat shirts, and a light jacket. If the weather is bad the challenge should be rescheduled for the following Saturday same time. However, the first Saturday of Easter weekend will be the designated date that is set in stone. Promoting and publicizing this Global Health Activity should commence 45 days in advance.

Challenge participants should register at a local fitness center, health agency, pharmacist, or hospital. A Certificate of Entry promoting better health may be signed by the City Mayor, Governor or Ambassador. In each capitol city it is recommended that the highest ranked Officials sign off on the certificate which will be endorsed by the event Founder or President and issued directly to each participant.

It is important to note that this is a voluntary event that’s FREE to the public. However, people are encouraged to register and a $5 dollar process fee will be added to process the certificate and reward local agencies for assisting in the administration. Participates must be responsible for their own conduct and actions. All liabilities will be waived. Registrations will be placed in convenient locations throughout the city. This is a global community event for advocating good health, fitness, diet, and exercise.

This event will need the support, participation, and coverage from all news media, community support groups, national and international health societies, local volunteers, corporate sponsors and others. Please make this annual health challenge a priority and let’s enjoy our first global health victory on the first Saturday of Easter weekend in the year 2018. (April 7, 2018)
From Your Better Health Advocate to You!
Sincerely Yours,
GB. DeClerck
(Founder of the Global Health Challenge)
Courtesy Of: GBD Management Group
(618) 332-9327 Business Line
Copyright 2017©/GBD
All Rights Reserved.


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