Paid Opportunities ~ Join our International Sales Team

XMAS is around the corner earn some extra $$$$ and prepare for a great Holiday Season for more info email [email protected] Thank you

Hi There,

My name is Mark Rowe and I am the founder of Soul Central Magazine. How would you like to Join our magazine international sales team? We are a Global Community publication that covers arts and culture, inspirational and motivational people from a wide variety of Backgrounds, Celebs , Sports Stars and every day people sharing they story or promoting there new products.

If you are interested here are some next steps:

Ask yourself:

Can you do telesales?

Can you sell advertisement to those in need of extra international media attention?

Do you want to make extra $$$$ for Xmas or a special day?

You’re in the right place GO GLOBAL OR STAY LOCAL and join an international Sales Team like no other and not just #LEARN BUT ALSO #EARN…


1. Email us at or

Lets get you confirmed as part of our sales team. Then the fun begins.

2. Post a picture of one of our products on Instagram Or Social Media using the guideline stated on the ambassador page (above).

3. For every sale that is made, you get 30% of the profit!

Example below:

So, let’s say you have Half al page sale at $150 each.
That means you make about $40! Usually,

So, let’s say you have 1 full page sale at $250 each.
That means you make about $75! Usually,

So, let’s say you have Front Cover sale at $1000 each.
That means you make about $300!


Extra Incentives:

If you are a Label / distributor / vendor etc with multiple paying clients commision can be negotaibale.

If you are a non profit or charity we will split all advertisers you bring to our company with your organisation as a donation to your cause.

This way we help each other grow, and keep supporting each other for sustainabilty.

If this sounds good to you, then awesome!

If you have questions, feel free to respond back to this email. 🙂


Mark Rowe Founder, Soul Central Magazine




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