How would you like to sponsor the 1st Official Internationl Awards show for Soul Central Magazine?
This is it people, the day we come together int he name of art and culture to support those that inspire and motivate us from across the globe.
With a host of talent and popular faces This awards is going to be a truly amazing experience.
For more info please see our sponsorship packages below for vendors and sponsors

The SCMA “Soul Central Magazine Awards” 2018/19 will be held in Las Vegas at a V.I.P Venue, in May, 2019
The SCM “Soul Central Awards” 2019 Will Premiere in Las Vegas in May, 2019, at
a V.I.P Venue starting from 6pm – 10pm ET/PT aired LIVE Via Sponsors / Networks Location to be ammounced soon.
This year we will be picking from a handful of nominess to get the 1st annual event launched in style.
So far we have a variety of inspirational and motivational characters from all walks of life and culture. Which will make this event truly memorable.
For Nominations and connecting with us
Facebook awards group click here:
Facebook fan page click here:
Website click here: https://www.SoulCentralAwards/