When fan X – Cyberbytes and Soul Central Magazine team, came together to stand against bullying.
Good work Chris Newhart FAN X POWER #Blessed
Support Ceo of Fan X > Dan Farr
Make sure to Join Hollywood’s Anti-Cyberbullying Movement
And Thank you for the recognition GritDaily.com and Julia Sachs
Adelaide Kane Shouts Out Soul Central Magazine at FanX Salt Lake Comic ConventionFilmed by Ambassador Chris Newhart
Posted by Soul Central Magazine on Wednesday, 24 April 2019
TEAM FAN X With Soul Central MagazinePhoto Chris Newhart GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! GET 15% off!YOU CAN WIN THE GAUNTLET!TO ENTER TO WIN USE MY PROMO CODE HAPPY!YOU CAN MEET ME AS WELL I WILL HAVE MY OWN BOOTH IN A SECTION JUST FOR SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS BOOTH 21!https://purchase.growtix.com/…/FanX_Salt_Lake_Comic_Convent…Every Dollar I make will go towardsSHOWCASE YOUR CAUSE-PLAY / CAR-PLAY TM and Go Global or Stay Local Project#SoulCentralMagazineTVRadio #GorrillaMafiaMedia#SoulCentralMagazineTVRadioGorrillaMafiaMediaatFanX#FanXSpring19#FanXGiveAway#FanX#ThanosFanX#SideShowCollectibles#FanXSpringStarts Friday! You can't miss this one.Guests and features here: bit.ly/2Pbuw9l#FanX #StarWars #Marvel #HarryPotter #Nerd #SaltLakeCity #ComicConvention #LuciferTV #Superman #DCComics #PowerRanger #LyndaCarter #WonderWoman #Utah #Idaho #Shazam! #StarTrek #Willow #AliceCooper
Posted by Soul Central Magazine on Wednesday, 17 April 2019
READ FULL STORY ON GRIT DAILY HERE >> https://gritdaily.com/samantha-smith-supernatural-cyberbyte/?fbclid=IwAR3AXca7qAzdqmGNeQAsOZPRs2uix2h7-82mgDmn3vq8vr4I4GcSZSCqQyo
Thank you