Trapped In A Culture documentary features several men who allege Hip Hop Pioneer Afrika Bambaataa and other members of the Zulu Nation sexually abused them as children

CHICAGO, IL – Journalist and producer Leila Wills announced the documentary Trapped In A Culture has entered post-production and is poised to be released before the end of 2018.

The film features several alleged victims of Afrika Bambaataa. Two other alleged victims were also interviewed but did not want their identity revealed. Ronald Savage, Hassan Campbell, “Number 4” and “EJay.” The film also features legends in hip-hop who have had longtime affiliations with Afrika Bambaataa and the Zulu Nation: Chuck D of Public Enemy and Prophets of Rage, Daddy-O of Stetsasonic, and Lord Jamar of Brand Nubian. Trapped In A Culture also features journalists who spoke in-depth to the alleged victims and covered the story: Broadcast journalist Troi “Star” Torrain who broke the story in 2016, Michael O’Keeffe, formerly of the New York Daily News, and Dave Wedge of Vice Magazine.

Leila has been working on the film since 2016 and captured the last interview of Grandmaster T.C. Izlam. Izlam was the former spokesman of the Zulu Nation who was shockingly murdered three weeks after his interview. On the documentary, Leila says, “This disturbing film will change the history of hip-hop because, unfortunately, much of what we have been led to believe about one of its founders and origins is simply not true.”

Experts in the film include child advocate Marci Hamilton, CEO of Child USA, cult expert Rick Alan Ross of the Cult Education Institute, and male survivor psychotherapist Rommell Washington. Trapped In A Culture just began a 30-day round of fundraising to raise the needed post-production funds.

For videos and more information on Trapped In A Culture, please visit the Indiegogo Campaign:…/trapped-in-a-culture…/x/19402849 or website: 

Movie out soon – Movie trailer Here >>  

by Leila Wills


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