No-one should have been surprised when President Donald Trump walked away from the Iran deal, says conservative writer Adam Gingrich, because this is a leader who keeps his promises.
It’s official. President Donald Trump pulled the plug on America’s end of the so-called Iran Deal.
The fact that many in domestic partisan circles and the world abroad are surprised by this is, well, surprising.
President Trump has a penchant for keeping his campaign pledges once in office. This might be a new concept to politicians in Washington, but it shouldn’t be.
The list of people unhappy with this decision is decidedly longer and more comprehensive than the list that support the move. There can be no denying that.
There is little comfort in Europe today that President Trump took great diplomatic pains to listen to their alternative perspective on staying in the deal. However, in all fairness, I doubt any interested parties are shocked by the decision to pull out.
It may have worked for other signatories, but President Trump once again affirms his mantra – America First.
France, in particular, stands to lose significant business dealings with Iran as a result of the reinstated sanctions.
Losing deals to provide 100 new Airbus airliners, and opening a $5bn oil exploration project with Iran means real world economic consequences for a close ally of the United States.
President Trump’s resolve appears to run much deeper than such diplomatic considerations.
Newly minted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo now has his work cut out for him. He must navigate the anger from Europe and Russia, while convincing North Korea that America will honour the deal they are currently negotiating.
Welcome to the job, Mr Secretary! No pressure.
There are very real world consequences to this action and President Trump will need to highlight the real world need to scrap this deal.
Hyperbole from the president (“this is the worst deal in the world”) and derisive commentary will not suffice with an American public who slightly favoured staying in the deal.
The Department of State needs to continue to lead on a solution that doesn’t end with sanctions.
Many Trump voters who were sceptical of John Bolton’s appointment as National Security Advisor will be watching closely.
There is currently no appetite in the Trump base to trigger destabilising Iran to where it was in 2014.
In the end, this was always going to happen. Our allies should have been game-planning this scenario since Trump was elected.
Predictably, though, the Middle East ramifications are immediate and not readily associated with carefully thought out diplomatic responses.
Within days of President Trump’s announcement, missiles are flying again in the region. Iran’s proxy war partners in Syria and Yemen are targeting Israel and Saudi Arabia in a very dangerous fashion.
This is how Iran sends its messages. Diplomacy need not apply.
The question for Trump was always this: will this Iran Deal end up being the equivalent to the North Korea deal struck by President Clinton 20 years ago?
The answer to him was obviously yes. Delaying the inevitable, appeasement through diplomacy, has a very bad track indeed with global bad actors like Iran.
I credit President Trump for recognising that fact.
However, now the hard work starts. We need to lead on a solution.
The world is looking to us, not to scrap complicated denuclearisation deals and then watch the fallout.
I count on this administration to roll up its sleeves and get to work on a better deal.
North Korea can take away from this one very important fact – don’t enter into any negotiations or any deal with the intent on not complying with your end of the bargain.
President Trump has an established track record now as a leader who will walk away from the table or scrap a deal that he thinks has been broken.
Are we surprised? He’s been doing it successfully in business for 40 years.
Adam Gingrich, a former campaign operative for the Trump Campaign in Pennsylvania, is currently the President of the MAGA Coalition, Inc – A Pro-Trump PAC
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