Fernando Rojas is an Award-nominated composer for the United States at the 2003, 44th International Music Festival of Vina Del Mar, creator of the 2018 music-video Memorial Tribute to WWII US Naval Hero, John G. Ibe, which was acknowledged by Governor, Scott Walker of Wisconsin and the White House. He was also the creative producer of the popular social media video of Marla Maples’s dedication “Through the Barrier” which supported President Donald J. Trump’s campaign. In addition to these creative accomplishments, Rojas worked for Homeland Security (ICE) from 2003 to 2011, with a special US Government Clearance under title III where he used electronic surveillance to locate and prevent dangerous people including terrorists and drug cartels from doing harm to the United States.

I have been supportive of Donald Trump ever since I heard him speak as a prominent business man at the Javits Center in NYC, 14 years ago. Even then, he was warning his audience about China. Trump warned that China was pulling so far ahead of the US, that we would soon be the poorer country. For decades, Trump’s vision for the US has been opposed to the prevailing idea that China is a needy country. It is so needy, the story goes, that we are obligated to support it financially and technologically. In fact, China has more wealthy business tycoons controlling aspects of government than Russia while China also has the most millionaires in the world. He warned that China would soon be a threat to the world in many ways. He warned us for decades in his various business lectures and interviews, his 2016 campaign and today. Not only were these warnings from Trump decades ago, but from leading economists, no one has listened.

As a diligent supporter of Trump’s first presidential campaign and my continued support today, I know he would have been elected with or without me, but I’d like to think I helped. I am proud to say it was my pesky perseverance (in the form of endless phone calls and emails) plus the Hand of Providence, that brought Nigel Farage to Trump’s rally in Mississippi in 2016.
BINGO! It was like finding the switch to the air conditioner on a sweltering Mississippi day. He and Trump would use their common bond to wake up the voters.Trump introduced Farage as “Mr. Brexit.”
Farage, then member of the European Parliament for South East England and today serving as leader of the Brexit Party, garnered the votes necessary in support of “Brexit” two months prior. Farage successfully led the UK to vote against their affiliation with the EU, allowing them to free themselves of the restrictive rules and policy that were dragging down the economy and options for trade. An obvious connection in economic philosophy and prosperity for their country’s people, I knew that Farage would be a helpful ally to Trump’s mission, showing how a country should have the freedoms to strengthen their economy based on the values and financial prosperity of its people.

Farage told thousands in Trump’s audience, “We reached those people who had never voted in their lives, but who believed that by going out and voting for Brexit, they could take back control of their country; take back control of their borders; and get back their pride and self-respect.” Two speakers, two countries, the same true message.
After Trump won the big election, and the experts analyzed the voting, they said, “So many people who never voted before, came out and voted for Trump.” This was the moment of truth that his opposition still cannot accept. Key words: “take back control”, “borders”, “self-respect”. Great minds think alike. You cannot have a welfare state that pays for education, medical care, welfare, food stamps, etc. with open borders letting everyone in. As Margaret Thatcher said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
Donald Trump was never in the military himself. In fact, he is often sharply criticized for taking a medical deferment instead of enlisting like many poorer people did. At the time, during the VietNam War, many people from families of position and middle class, did the same as Trump.They took deferments or moved to Canada.
I admire the British Royal Family because their young men did not use their privilege as an escape from military service. But despite Trump’s shortcomings, as President, he has done more than anyone to rebuild the US military. When he took office in Jan. 2017, the US military was so broken down, it could barely find spare parts in scrap yards to keep its engines running.
After 8 years of total neglect by the Obama administration, plus years of fighting in the Middle East under both George Bush and Barack Obama; it was a sorry sight. Again Trump kept his promise and pushed Congress until he got his way. He has created the strongest modern US military ever, one that shines piercingly and we can be proud of. He sincerely respects and admires our brave veterans, both retired and active, for their courage, service and discipline.

I am in alignment with Trump’s avid support of the military and its special people who risk their lives for the rest of us. One military hero I was compelled to honor in a Memorial Tribute is John G. Ibe, WWII US Naval Hero. My tribute to John G. Ibe was recognized by the White House under Trump’s administration in 2018, it was an honor for me to be able to do this for Ibe, but also an honor to be recognized by our government, one that under Trump’s Presidency respects our military and its heros.
Ibe’s story is fascinating. I wish I could tell the whole thing here. Near the bottom of the Naval ranks was machinist mate 2nd class, John G. Ibe. He was assigned to a small aircraft carrier escort ship, with only his high school education. It was the biggest battle in US Naval history, The Battle of Leyte Gulf in the Pacific—sight of the Bataan Death March. Thousands of Navy seamen died trying to protect Gen. Douglas MacArthur and his Army as they went ashore to take back the Philippines from Japanese Imperial Forces who had enslaved thousands of Philippine and US citizens.
After being blown into the water, Ibe survived 2 days of swimming and floating in shark-infested waters trying to encourage those struggling and dying around him to hang on. Most did not survive, dying of war wounds and shark attacks. But after the war, Ibe built a little 3-man machine shop, and over time turned it into Lamco Inc. He and Lamco became an important part of the aerospace industry. He became a very wealthy man, and later also became involved in real estate. Today, much of the US Gov’t sits on land owned by his companies.
Because of his good fortune, he used his own time and money to build beautiful monuments still gleaming today. More than monuments, these are dedicated to the men who served and suffered and gave their lives in WWII to bring the world out of one of its bleakest, darkest periods. He would not let them or their bravery and fierce fighting be forgotten—insisting future generations know the terrible cost paid by the veterans who freed so many from ghastly torture and oppression. His foundation is still used to build Veterans’ memorials. His son Michael P. Ibe still runs their corporation’s Western Devcon, Inc. & Easterly Government Properties, Inc. and charitable initiatives with much success.
Under President Trump’s administration, I was able to pay a much deserved tribute to John G. Ibe. A leader like Trump is what our military needs, a person who respects the sacrifice they are making with not only campaign speech, but proven action.
Not only has President Trump honored and improved our military and reduced threat from illegal immigration, but he has drasticaally improved our economy. Here is Trump’s basic formula: Lower taxes. Reduce arduous and unnecessary governmental regulations on businesses. Entice US and foreign businesses to build factories and plants here. Use tariffs against countries who use unfair trade deals. To understand the positive effects Trump’s policies have had on the US economy would require a tedious examination to show the direct impacts, but the facts are simple; stronger financial market, increased pay, cash flow and lower taxes for the middle class have benefited us. Barring the financial impact to the world due to Covid-19, the US economy was significantly strengthened because of President Trump and his understanding of economics and trade.
The middle class could breathe again. The economy and stock markets were soaring. Trump continued to place pressure upon China as they had never let themselves be scrutinized the way other Western and Asian markets had to do. Their economy had been falling because Trump wouldn’t let them steal billions from the US any more. Trump was threatening to change this. And then, the Corona Virus entered the US.
A sinister connection can be made. China never allowed air flights from Wuhan into the rest of China, but they sent their flights out into the rest of the world without warning. This virus has killed over 380,000 people across the world. They killed and jailed their own medical whistle-blowers, and would not release the DNA sequence of the virus. Finally, the CCP bought up and hoarded all the PPE (personal protective equipment) before the virus came out, to deprive other countries.
It’s part of their Belt and Road Initiative. By stealing from others, their military and technology are competitive with other countries. The Chinese Military and China’s Predatory Lending should be of grave concern to the world. They have built artificial islands for military control of the South China Sea, where many of the world’s ships must pass through. They also built a military base in Djibouti in the Middle East across the Red Sea from Saudi Arabia. And they put a base in Pakistan to keep India, one of their biggest rivals, in check. India is a democracy, China is not. Even though the United States continues to dominate as the number one world military power, China has the biggest army in the world. Their missiles can hit cities on both the East and West coasts of the US.
Another tactic China uses to strengthen itself is predatory lending. China offers to go to a developing country and rebuild its electrical grid or communication system. Then all the information passing through is transmitted back to China. This includes information on England, the US, and many others. Even the US military was buying the same Chinese equipment before Trump put a stop to it.

We still have cities here who buy drones from China, never suspecting China can sell the geographic info to terrorists! Or China will lend billions of dollars to a country, then gradually take it over; like now in oil-rich Venezuela. It is a mere 1600 miles from Venezuela to Miami, Florida. China also owns the Panama Canal, one of the world’s most important waterways. Since Covid-19 has devastated the world, many businesses are pulling out of China and setting up operations in friendlier nations or deciding to operate from their home lands.
The world is rethinking the global trading system. Finally, on May 29, 2020 Trump dropped an economic blitz on China due to its aggression in Hong Kong. First, no more Chinese students attending US Universities to steal our science and technology for the benefit of the CCP. Second, accounting practices of Chinese companies listed on US stock exchanges will be transparent like companies from anywhere else. No more defrauding investors. Especially since the investors include multi-billion dollar pension funds traded by large financial institutions. Third, and most of all, no more special status for Hong Kong. In 1997 England returned Hong Kong (HK) to China provided HK stay autonomous for the next 50 years.
After only 20 years, China has broken the agreement. It has steadily gotten worse. US-HK relations had been a huge part of their financial success. That success was always a boost to China’s economy. But now Trump says “No more special relations with HK, because HK is no longer distinguishable from the rest of China.” Too many of HK’s freedoms are gone. Now HK’s capital markets are shrinking- so many companies are moving out. It is no longer the gold feather in China’s financial cap.
President Trump has been warning us for decades, economists have been warning us for decades, China is a threat and they should be treated as such. Trump is the leader to get the job done. He has already proven to be effective in bolstering our military, economy and border security and he will surely be effective in forcing China to follow the same economic standards and transparency policies along with the rest of the world. It is time for China and its dishonesty to be exposed.
From economic instability, a neglected military, illegal immigration threatening our safety, and China’s covert and abusive policies which have affected the entire world, President Trump has made more progress than we have seen in a long time and I hope we can continue to move onward and upward under his administration through the next Presidential term.
I was fortunate enough to appear in this magazine once before, in April. 2019, as a part of the feature story on Marla Maples, second wife of Donald Trump and mother of his 26 year old daughter Tiffany.
Thank you to Soul Central for this generous
opportunity and special thanks to my public relations director, Paula Schillo.

Contact Person Name: Fernando Rojas
Company: Flamingo Digital Record
Location (City, State, Country): New York City, NY, United States 🇺🇸
Soul Central Magazine Edition #105– #Fernando #Rojas #Edition
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60 pages, published 7/13/2020
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